Welcome to Our Website!

Application form for Studio MK lessons

    Required Full Name

    RequiredEmail Address

    RequiredPhone number

    OptionalDo you have a Facebook account?

    After the lessons, I will invite you to my exclusive Facebook Group.
    In this group, you can access useful information and receive my advices for your artworks.

    If your answer is "yes" to the above question, please fill in your Facebook URL
    (e.g., My Facebook URL is https://www.facebook.com/makiko.nkgw0805)

    RequiredClick on the lesson you want to take.

    Please select the lesson you would like to take
    After selecting, please also select the desired date that will be displayed.

    【Glitter Art Japan Lesson schedule】
    ▷Venue:Han’s workshop in 油麻地

    Basic Course

    Intermediate Course

    Advanced Course

    【Pastel Art Lesson schedule】
    Venue : Studio-MK in 油麻地

    Basic Course

    Intermediate Course

    Advanced Course

    Would you like to register as an instructor after the courses after lesson?

    【Tsutefude Lesson schedule】
    Hong kong

    Venue : Studio-MK in 油麻地
    ▷The Basic lesson for beginners

    ▷The Advanced lesson

    For those who have applied for the Advanced Course
    Please Tell us “The date you learned Basic lesson”
    *You may take my lessons even if you learned Basic lesson from another instructor.

    The date you learned your Basic lesson


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